Frequently Asked Questions

Why was this site created?

While The Texas Tribune maintains an excellent database of public employee salaries in Texas, it doesn't contain salary information for public colleges or universities. We're hoping to fill that gap.

Is every public college or university in here?

Not yet — but we're working on it!

You can find all of our current institutions here.

I heard coach/public figure is paid more than what's listed here!

The data presented here is strictly an employee's salary — it does not represent any contract incentives, benefits, overtime, or any number of other things that may contribute to an employee's total compensation.

How was this data obtained?

All of our data was gathered through the Texas Public Information Act.

Why do some people have two entries?

These entries are administrative artifacts and could have one or many causes.

Some employees may be employed by multiple departments at a university and split their time between them, or they may have an additional position in order to exceed the salary cap on their primary job.

We can't determine what those causes may be for any given employee, unfortunately, so we instead present this data as separate entries.

Can I download the raw data?

Sure! You can find it here. Be warned: it's large.

You can view our data processing statement to learn more about how we transform this raw data.

I have a different question. Can I contact you?

You can reach us at

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