Texas Tech

Total Employees


Median Salary


Minimum Salary


Maximum Salary


Employees By Gender

Most employees of this institution identify as male.

GenderEmployeesPercentMedian Salary
Not Provided6

Employees By Race

Most employees of this institution identify as White.

RaceEmployeesPercentMedian Salary
American Indian or Alaskan Native17
Black or African American207
Hispanic or Latino1,277
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander5
Not Provided10
Two or more races57


This institution has 324 departments.

DepartmentMedian Salary
Abilene SBDC$70,008
Academic Testing Center$45,187
Accounting Services$50,779
Aerospace Studies AFROTC$36,726
Ag Education and Communications$73,527
Ag Sci and Natural Res Development$31,201
Ag Sciences and Natural Resources$50,244
Agricultural and Applied Economics$75,829
Animal Care Services$41,746
Animal and Food Sciences$56,100
Application Development and Support$63,757
Arts and Sciences$41,447
Asbestos Compliance Management$49,796
Athletic Director$30,571
BUS Instructional Resources$15,000
Bachelor of University Studies$44,004
Biological Sciences$79,634
Broadcast Services$522
Budget and Res Planning and Mgmt$56,650
Burkhart Center$42,687
Business Office$50,203
CISER Outreach Support$92,642
Campus Life$50,517
Captioning Lab$29,406
Cash and Credit Management Services$56,994
Center for Adolescent Resiliency$46,967
Center for BioTechnology Genomics$60,000
Center for Nanophotonics$52,000
Center for Student Success$39,002
Chemical Engineering$60,000
Child Development Research Center$30,983
Civil Environ Construct Engineering$102,000
Classical and Modern Lang and Lit$62,256
CoMC Dept of Adv$72,506
CoMC Dept of JEM$72,352
CoMC Dept of PCOM$57,439
CoMC Dept of PR$76,626
CoMS Dept of COMS$61,576
College Connect$41,161
College of Human Sciences$38,630
Comm Family Addict Sciences CFAS$71,815
Communication Training Center$62,575
Computer Science$102,000
Ctr for Collegiate Recov Com CCRC$49,399
Curriculum Ctr for Fam and Consu Sc$46,676
Danny Reible$60,060
Data Mgmt for Financial Resources$57,504
Dean of Students$64,000
Department of Design DOD$66,128
Department of Theatre and Dance$63,739
Development Major Gifts$53,045
Digital Media and Licensing$76,330
Distance Learning$47,432
Double T Varsity Club$32,649
EDUC Administration General$45,171
EDUC Advising and Certification$36,801
EDUC Comm PR$35,835
EDUC Curriculum and Instruction Gen$77,444
EDUC Development Scholarships$35,008
EDUC Educational Psych Leadrshp Gen$65,901
EDUC Field Experiences$76,867
EDUC Finance Business Svcs$85,833
EDUC Information Technology Support$38,907
EDUC Innovation in E Learning CIEL$53,660
EDUC Operations$35,008
EDUC Promise Nghbrhd$8,000
EDUC TechTeach TED$40,127
Early Head Start$26,542
El Paso Architecture$61,500
Electrical and Computer Engineering$104,655
Enrollment Management$74,398
Enrollment Management Marketing$48,960
Environmental Health and Safety$51,555
Experimental Sciences Building$55,000
Export and Security Compliance$58,000
FCSE Family and Consumer Sciences$55,000
Facilities Repairs and Maintenance$28,030
Faculty Positions$87,288
Faculty Senate$36,753
Fiber and Biopolymer Research Inst$36,787
Finance and Administration$79,591
Financial and Managerial Reptng Svs$58,586
Fire Marshall$8,318
First Generation Programs$72,000
Forensic Science Institute$68,104
Fraternity and Sorority Life$48,960
Free Market Institute$80,144
Graduate School$48,000
Grounds Maintenance$27,624
High Performance Computing Center$74,520
Honors College$61,010
Hospitality Services$30,463
Hospitality and Retail Mgmt$76,485
Human Develop and Family Studies$70,988
Human Research Protection Program$44,746
Human Resources$42,517
Humanities Center$36,081
Industrial Engineering$102,000
Information Technology$45,314
Information Technology and CIO$76,170
Innovation Hub at Research Park$77,000
Inst Materials Mfg and Sustainment$222,306
Inst for Studies in Pragmaticism$79,402
Inst of Environ and Human Health$49,470
Institute for the Gifted$28,250
Institutional Diversity$74,632
Institutional Research$59,809
International Affairs$41,573
KCOS Television$1,509
KTTZ Radio Station$38,691
KTTZ Television Station$40,802
Kinesiology and Sport Management$65,601
Landscape Architecture$63,079
Law Library$53,927
Leadership Academy$56,244
Lubbock SBDC$132,700
Marc Lochbaum$19,376
Marketing and Communications$45,003
Mathematics and Statistics$75,152
Mechanical Engineering$95,000
Media and Communication$47,509
Mens Basketball$105,000
Mens Golf$133,250
Mens Tennis$75,000
Mens Track$105,000
Mentor Tech Operations$41,244
Military Science$32,651
Military and Veteran Programs$42,018
Murdough Center NIEE$30,595
Museum of TTU Association$48,862
Nano Tech Center 2$51,000
National Ranching Heritage Center$34,321
National Wind Institute$55,550
Natural Resources Management$52,002
Neuroimaging Institute$63,680
Northwest Texas SBDC Region$59,089
Not Provided$38,849
Nutritional Sciences$72,630
Office of Planning and Assessment$47,519
Office of the Provost$91,800
Official Publications$45,003
Ops Div AVP Administration$180,000
Ops Div Administration Salary$43,037
Ops Div Bldg Maint & Const$34,321
Ops Div CHACP 1$41,102
Ops Div CHACP 2$40,749
Ops Div Central Warehouse$31,201
Ops Div Custodial Services$22,881
Ops Div Energy Management$43,505
Ops Div Engineering Services$54,000
Ops Div Planning and Admin$52,997
Ops Div Services$71,635
Ops Div University Identification$28,415
PI Adam Martin$50,000
PI Beth Ann Thacker$70,642
PI Carol Sumner$41,627
PI Daan Liang NWI$57,222
PI Dale Ridley$55,000
PI DeAnn Lechtenberger Burkhart$39,548
PI Douglas D Hamman$69,996
PI Hongchao Liu$52,000
PI Jennifer Hamrick$62,500
PI John L Schroeder NWI$45,511
PI Judith Wilhelm$90,900
PI Mary McLain Saffel$56,038
PI Nora Griffin Shirley$9,797
PI Robert Duncan$90,000
PI Rona Pogrund Sowell$43,016
Parent Relations$50,675
Payroll and Tax Services$41,998
Personal Financial Planning$75,407
Petroleum Engineering$103,000
Plant and Soil Science$58,000
Political Science$72,000
Pre Professional Health Care$35,612
President's Office$87,168
Procurement Services$42,933
Promo and Fan Engagement$37,729
Property Surplus$23,519
Provost and SVP Academic Affairs$45,013
Psychological Sciences$74,305
Pulsed Power and Power Electr Cntr$42,244
Raider Ready$50,429
Rawls College of Business$108,065
Recreational Sports$31,200
Red Raider Orientation$50,429
Remnant Trust$50,829
Research Academic Communications$41,773
Research Commercialization$71,532
Research Development$7,800
Research Services$50,500
Responsible Research$43,342
Risk Intervention and Safety ED$48,960
Robert V Duncan$52,085
SA Athletic Field Maintenance$32,241
SA Event Management$470
SN Red Raider Club$42,298
SOAR TSI Program$51,000
SSF Office of Student Conduct$48,960
SVP Admin and Finance Operating$122,500
School of Art$50,000
School of Law$73,435
School of Music$61,495
Sports Medicine$61,285
Sports Nutrition Center$44,444
Strategic Partnership$65,302
Strength and Conditioning$51,329
Student Affairs$105,106
Student Business Services$35,343
Student Counseling Center$61,239
Student Disability Services$44,121
Student Financial Aid$38,687
Student Government Association$46,001
Student Legal Services$64,070
Student Media$53,000
Student Rights and Resolution$61,200
Student Union and Activities$37,341
Success and Retention$41,600
Support Ops for Academic Retention$33,916
TTU Advancement$76,500
TTU Center at El Paso$29,314
TTU Center at Junction$21,796
TTU Costa Rica$195,000
TTU Emergency Operations$27,521
TTU Ethics Center$54,227
TTU K12 Administration$66,509
TTU K12 Curriculum Developers$52,236
TTU K12 District Support$43,418
TTU K12 Financial Services$60,448
TTU K12 Instructors$17,280
TTU K12 Marketing$48,313
TTU K12 Operation Support$45,171
TTU K12 Production$50,204
TTU K12 Recruiting$53,052
TTU K12 Student Support$39,002
TTU K12 Student Support (COM)$37,808
TTU K12 Testing Services$51,038
TTU Press$37,441
TTU Research Farm Admin$50,938
TTU Research Farm Pantex/Operations$47,007
TTU at Collin$30,450
TTU at Fredericksburg$10,000
TTU at Highland Lakes$38,633
TTU at Hill College$42,122
TTUS Communication Services$55,961
TTUS Information Systems$65,688
TTUS Information Technology$152,477
TTUS Tech Operating Systems Mgmt$69,707
Teaching Learning and Prof Dev Ctr$51,508
Tech Transfer Acceleration Program$35,008
TechMRT Center$53,000
Technology Support$56,300
Telecom Ent Collaboration Services$76,017
Telecom Enterprise Network Services$53,658
Texas Tech Chess Program$48,000
Texas Tech Police Department$43,564
The Vietnam Center$51,873
Ticket Services$27,041
Transition and Engagement$54,967
Transportation and Parking Svc$27,603
UIL Workshops$7,390
UPSS Vice Provost$23,921
US PREP National Center$92,700
USH Sustainability$37,129
Undergraduate Admissions$41,309
Undergraduate Education$48,960
United Supermarkets Arena$47,786
Univ Programs and Student Success$40,000
University Advising$38,904
University Career Center$41,006
University Interscholastic League$48,990
University Outreach and Engagement$67,505
University Student Housing$30,640
University Writing Center$14,144
VP Research$71,450
Veterinary Medicine$120,000
Veterinary Sciences$126,963
Vice Provost for Student Affairs$68,650
Visual and Perform Arts$57,392
Waco MCC TTU$42,490
Water Resources Center$50,000
Wine Institute Research$66,287
Women and Gender Studies$31,980
Womens Basketball$156,085
Womens Golf$85,101
Womens Tennis$115,837
Writing Centers of TTU$48,000
eLearning CEU and Registration$43,575
eLearning Marketing$51,674
eLearning Operations$50,000

Data obtained: 7/13/2020