Abilene SBDC | $70,008 |
Academic Testing Center | $45,187 |
Academics | $41,602 |
Accounting Services | $50,779 |
Administration | $110,940 |
Aerospace Studies AFROTC | $36,726 |
Ag Education and Communications | $73,527 |
Ag Sci and Natural Res Development | $31,201 |
Ag Sciences and Natural Resources | $50,244 |
Agricultural and Applied Economics | $75,829 |
Animal Care Services | $41,746 |
Animal and Food Sciences | $56,100 |
Application Development and Support | $63,757 |
Architecture | $58,234 |
Arts and Sciences | $41,447 |
Asbestos Compliance Management | $49,796 |
Athletic Director | $30,571 |
BUS Instructional Resources | $15,000 |
Bachelor of University Studies | $44,004 |
Baseball | $130,000 |
Biological Sciences | $79,634 |
Broadcast Services | $522 |
Budget and Res Planning and Mgmt | $56,650 |
Burkhart Center | $42,687 |
Business Office | $50,203 |
CISER Outreach Support | $92,642 |
CMLL | $40,530 |
Campus Life | $50,517 |
Captioning Lab | $29,406 |
Cash and Credit Management Services | $56,994 |
Center for Adolescent Resiliency | $46,967 |
Center for BioTechnology Genomics | $60,000 |
Center for Nanophotonics | $52,000 |
Center for Student Success | $39,002 |
Chemical Engineering | $60,000 |
Chemistry | $58,829 |
Child Development Research Center | $30,983 |
Civil Environ Construct Engineering | $102,000 |
Classical and Modern Lang and Lit | $62,256 |
CoMC Dept of Adv | $72,506 |
CoMC Dept of JEM | $72,352 |
CoMC Dept of PCOM | $57,439 |
CoMC Dept of PR | $76,626 |
CoMS Dept of COMS | $61,576 |
College Connect | $41,161 |
College of Human Sciences | $38,630 |
Comm Family Addict Sciences CFAS | $71,815 |
Communication Training Center | $62,575 |
Communications | $522 |
Compliance | $53,954 |
Computer Science | $102,000 |
Ctr for Collegiate Recov Com CCRC | $49,399 |
Curriculum Ctr for Fam and Consu Sc | $46,676 |
Danny Reible | $60,060 |
Data Mgmt for Financial Resources | $57,504 |
Dean of Students | $64,000 |
Department of Design DOD | $66,128 |
Department of Theatre and Dance | $63,739 |
Development Major Gifts | $53,045 |
Digital Media and Licensing | $76,330 |
Distance Learning | $47,432 |
Double T Varsity Club | $32,649 |
EDUC Administration General | $45,171 |
EDUC Advising and Certification | $36,801 |
EDUC Comm PR | $35,835 |
EDUC Curriculum and Instruction Gen | $77,444 |
EDUC Development Scholarships | $35,008 |
EDUC Educational Psych Leadrshp Gen | $65,901 |
EDUC Field Experiences | $76,867 |
EDUC Finance Business Svcs | $85,833 |
EDUC Information Technology Support | $38,907 |
EDUC Innovation in E Learning CIEL | $53,660 |
EDUC OPERS | $41,997 |
EDUC Operations | $35,008 |
EDUC Promise Nghbrhd | $8,000 |
EDUC TechTeach TED | $40,127 |
Early Head Start | $26,542 |
Economics | $110,545 |
El Paso Architecture | $61,500 |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | $104,655 |
Engineering | $60,493 |
English | $66,752 |
Enrollment Management | $74,398 |
Enrollment Management Marketing | $48,960 |
Environmental Health and Safety | $51,555 |
Equipment | $50,371 |
Experimental Sciences Building | $55,000 |
Export and Security Compliance | $58,000 |
FCSE Family and Consumer Sciences | $55,000 |
Facilities Repairs and Maintenance | $28,030 |
Faculty Positions | $87,288 |
Faculty Senate | $36,753 |
Fiber and Biopolymer Research Inst | $36,787 |
Finance and Administration | $79,591 |
Financial and Managerial Reptng Svs | $58,586 |
Fire Marshall | $8,318 |
First Generation Programs | $72,000 |
Football | $159,250 |
Forensic Science Institute | $68,104 |
Fraternity and Sorority Life | $48,960 |
Free Market Institute | $80,144 |
Geosciences | $77,037 |
Graduate School | $48,000 |
Grounds Maintenance | $27,624 |
High Performance Computing Center | $74,520 |
History | $63,007 |
Honors College | $61,010 |
Hospitality Services | $30,463 |
Hospitality and Retail Mgmt | $76,485 |
Human Develop and Family Studies | $70,988 |
Human Research Protection Program | $44,746 |
Human Resources | $42,517 |
Humanities Center | $36,081 |
ITHC | $46,760 |
Industrial Engineering | $102,000 |
Information Technology | $45,314 |
Information Technology and CIO | $76,170 |
Innovation Hub at Research Park | $77,000 |
Inst Materials Mfg and Sustainment | $222,306 |
Inst for Studies in Pragmaticism | $79,402 |
Inst of Environ and Human Health | $49,470 |
Institute for the Gifted | $28,250 |
Institutional Diversity | $74,632 |
Institutional Research | $59,809 |
International Affairs | $41,573 |
KCOS Television | $1,509 |
KTTZ Radio Station | $38,691 |
KTTZ Television Station | $40,802 |
Kinesiology and Sport Management | $65,601 |
LGBTQIA | $37,941 |
Landscape Architecture | $63,079 |
Law Library | $53,927 |
Leadership Academy | $56,244 |
Library | $48,093 |
Lubbock SBDC | $132,700 |
MailTech | $31,652 |
Marc Lochbaum | $19,376 |
Marketing and Communications | $45,003 |
Mathematics and Statistics | $75,152 |
Mechanical Engineering | $95,000 |
Media and Communication | $47,509 |
Mens Basketball | $105,000 |
Mens Golf | $133,250 |
Mens Tennis | $75,000 |
Mens Track | $105,000 |
Mentor Tech Operations | $41,244 |
Military Science | $32,651 |
Military and Veteran Programs | $42,018 |
Murdough Center NIEE | $30,595 |
Museum | $33,293 |
Museum of TTU Association | $48,862 |
NUTRITION | $59,075 |
Nano Tech Center 2 | $51,000 |
National Ranching Heritage Center | $34,321 |
National Wind Institute | $55,550 |
Natural Resources Management | $52,002 |
Neuroimaging Institute | $63,680 |
Northwest Texas SBDC Region | $59,089 |
Not Provided | $38,849 |
Nutritional Sciences | $72,630 |
Office of Planning and Assessment | $47,519 |
Office of the Provost | $91,800 |
Official Publications | $45,003 |
Operations | $14,315 |
Ops Div AVP Administration | $180,000 |
Ops Div Administration Salary | $43,037 |
Ops Div Bldg Maint & Const | $34,321 |
Ops Div CHACP 1 | $41,102 |
Ops Div CHACP 2 | $40,749 |
Ops Div Central Warehouse | $31,201 |
Ops Div Custodial Services | $22,881 |
Ops Div Energy Management | $43,505 |
Ops Div Engineering Services | $54,000 |
Ops Div Planning and Admin | $52,997 |
Ops Div Services | $71,635 |
Ops Div University Identification | $28,415 |
PI Adam Martin | $50,000 |
PI Beth Ann Thacker | $70,642 |
PI Carol Sumner | $41,627 |
PI Daan Liang NWI | $57,222 |
PI Dale Ridley | $55,000 |
PI DeAnn Lechtenberger Burkhart | $39,548 |
PI Douglas D Hamman | $69,996 |
PI Hongchao Liu | $52,000 |
PI Jennifer Hamrick | $62,500 |
PI John L Schroeder NWI | $45,511 |
PI Judith Wilhelm | $90,900 |
PI Mary McLain Saffel | $56,038 |
PI Nora Griffin Shirley | $9,797 |
PI Robert Duncan | $90,000 |
PI Rona Pogrund Sowell | $43,016 |
Parent Relations | $50,675 |
Payroll and Tax Services | $41,998 |
Personal Financial Planning | $75,407 |
Petroleum Engineering | $103,000 |
Philosophy | $67,719 |
Physics | $70,490 |
Plant and Soil Science | $58,000 |
Political Science | $72,000 |
Pre Professional Health Care | $35,612 |
President's Office | $87,168 |
Procurement Services | $42,933 |
Promo and Fan Engagement | $37,729 |
Property Surplus | $23,519 |
Provost and SVP Academic Affairs | $45,013 |
Psychological Sciences | $74,305 |
Pulsed Power and Power Electr Cntr | $42,244 |
Purchasing | $49,974 |
Raider Ready | $50,429 |
Rawls College of Business | $108,065 |
Recreational Sports | $31,200 |
Red Raider Orientation | $50,429 |
Registrar | $40,330 |
Remnant Trust | $50,829 |
Research Academic Communications | $41,773 |
Research Commercialization | $71,532 |
Research Development | $7,800 |
Research Services | $50,500 |
Responsible Research | $43,342 |
Risk Intervention and Safety ED | $48,960 |
Robert V Duncan | $52,085 |
SA Athletic Field Maintenance | $32,241 |
SA Event Management | $470 |
SASW | $68,880 |
SN Red Raider Club | $42,298 |
SOAR TSI Program | $51,000 |
SSF Office of Student Conduct | $48,960 |
SVP Admin and Finance Operating | $122,500 |
School of Art | $50,000 |
School of Law | $73,435 |
School of Music | $61,495 |
Skyviews | $37,441 |
Soccer | $77,495 |
Softball | $78,709 |
Sports Medicine | $61,285 |
Sports Nutrition Center | $44,444 |
Strategic Partnership | $65,302 |
Strength and Conditioning | $51,329 |
Student Affairs | $105,106 |
Student Business Services | $35,343 |
Student Counseling Center | $61,239 |
Student Disability Services | $44,121 |
Student Financial Aid | $38,687 |
Student Government Association | $46,001 |
Student Legal Services | $64,070 |
Student Media | $53,000 |
Student Rights and Resolution | $61,200 |
Student Union and Activities | $37,341 |
Success and Retention | $41,600 |
Support Ops for Academic Retention | $33,916 |
TTU Advancement | $76,500 |
TTU Center at El Paso | $29,314 |
TTU Center at Junction | $21,796 |
TTU Costa Rica | $195,000 |
TTU Emergency Operations | $27,521 |
TTU Ethics Center | $54,227 |
TTU K12 Administration | $66,509 |
TTU K12 Curriculum Developers | $52,236 |
TTU K12 District Support | $43,418 |
TTU K12 Financial Services | $60,448 |
TTU K12 Instructors | $17,280 |
TTU K12 Marketing | $48,313 |
TTU K12 Operation Support | $45,171 |
TTU K12 Production | $50,204 |
TTU K12 Recruiting | $53,052 |
TTU K12 Student Support | $39,002 |
TTU K12 Student Support (COM) | $37,808 |
TTU K12 Testing Services | $51,038 |
TTU Press | $37,441 |
TTU Research Farm Admin | $50,938 |
TTU Research Farm Pantex/Operations | $47,007 |
TTU at Collin | $30,450 |
TTU at Fredericksburg | $10,000 |
TTU at Highland Lakes | $38,633 |
TTU at Hill College | $42,122 |
TTUS Communication Services | $55,961 |
TTUS Information Systems | $65,688 |
TTUS Information Technology | $152,477 |
TTUS Tech Operating Systems Mgmt | $69,707 |
Teaching Learning and Prof Dev Ctr | $51,508 |
Tech Transfer Acceleration Program | $35,008 |
TechMRT Center | $53,000 |
Technology Support | $56,300 |
Telecom Ent Collaboration Services | $76,017 |
Telecom Enterprise Network Services | $53,658 |
Texas Tech Chess Program | $48,000 |
Texas Tech Police Department | $43,564 |
The Vietnam Center | $51,873 |
Ticket Services | $27,041 |
Transition and Engagement | $54,967 |
Transportation and Parking Svc | $27,603 |
UIL Workshops | $7,390 |
UPSS Vice Provost | $23,921 |
US PREP National Center | $92,700 |
USH Sustainability | $37,129 |
Undergraduate Admissions | $41,309 |
Undergraduate Education | $48,960 |
United Supermarkets Arena | $47,786 |
Univ Programs and Student Success | $40,000 |
University Advising | $38,904 |
University Career Center | $41,006 |
University Interscholastic League | $48,990 |
University Outreach and Engagement | $67,505 |
University Student Housing | $30,640 |
University Writing Center | $14,144 |
VP Research | $71,450 |
Veterinary Medicine | $120,000 |
Veterinary Sciences | $126,963 |
Vice Provost for Student Affairs | $68,650 |
Visual and Perform Arts | $57,392 |
Volleyball | $60,000 |
Waco MCC TTU | $42,490 |
Water Resources Center | $50,000 |
Wine Institute Research | $66,287 |
Women and Gender Studies | $31,980 |
Womens Basketball | $156,085 |
Womens Golf | $85,101 |
Womens Tennis | $115,837 |
Writing Centers of TTU | $48,000 |
eLearning | $11,962 |
eLearning CEU and Registration | $43,575 |
eLearning Marketing | $51,674 |
eLearning Operations | $50,000 |