EDUC Educational Psych Leadrshp Gen
Texas TechTotal Employees
Median Salary
Minimum Salary
Maximum Salary
Employees By Gender
Most employees of this department identify as female.
Gender | Employees | Percent | Median Salary |
Female | 52 | 57% | $49,129 |
Male | 39 | 43% | $77,293 |
Employees By Race
Most employees of this department identify as White.
Race | Employees | Percent | Median Salary |
Asian | 10 | 11% | $81,148 |
Black or African American | 7 | 7.7% | $87,854 |
Hispanic or Latino | 17 | 19% | $40,400 |
Two or more races | 2 | 2.2% | $47,168 |
White | 55 | 60% | $60,000 |
Employees By Employment Time
Most employees of this department work full-time.
Employment Time | Employees | Percent | Median Salary |
Full-time | 53 | 58% | $78,540 |
Part-time | 38 | 42% | $16,334 |