Student Life
Texas Woman's UniversityTotal Employees
Median Salary
Minimum Salary
Maximum Salary
Employees By Gender
Most employees of this department identify as female.
Gender | Employees | Percent | Median Salary |
Female | 14 | 78% | $65,385 |
Male | 4 | 22% | $46,546 |
Employees By Race
Most employees of this department identify as White.
Race | Employees | Percent | Median Salary |
American Indian or Alaskan Native | 1 | 5.6% | $52,001 |
Black or African American | 1 | 5.6% | $140,734 |
Hispanic or Latino | 5 | 28% | $56,695 |
White | 11 | 61% | $68,000 |
Employees By Employment Time
Most employees of this department work full-time.
Employment Time | Employees | Percent | Median Salary |
Full-time | 17 | 94% | $62,770 |
Part-time | 1 | 5.6% | $38,966 |