Academic Affairs, Provost | $84,271 |
Academic Communications | $67,844 |
Academic Success | $82,048 |
Academic Technologies | $49,135 |
Accounting Services | $69,447 |
Administration And Operations | $124,683 |
Administration Strat Enroll | $106,849 |
Adminstration Student Success | $45,210 |
Advising Administration | $44,306 |
Ais | $46,640 |
Alumni Programs | $47,453 |
Alvarez Student Success Center | $50,825 |
Asset Management | $68,913 |
Asuc Bsc | $53,433 |
Athletic Development | $90,825 |
Athletics | $45,912 |
Athletics Compliance | $55,000 |
Audit & Consulting Svcs | $87,415 |
Baseball | $94,000 |
Basketball - Men | $115,000 |
Basketball - Women | $99,600 |
Brain Health Consortium | $70,000 |
Budget & Financial Planning | $79,653 |
Bus Affairs Business Contracts | $75,655 |
Business Affairs | $70,621 |
Camee Utsa | $60,000 |
Campus Recreation | $47,796 |
Campus Services | $38,500 |
Capri | $63,263 |
Ceid Business Service Center | $49,662 |
Ceid Makerspace | $85,199 |
Ceid Student Success Ctr | $66,565 |
Cell Analysis Core (Cac) | $59,174 |
Center For Civic Engagement | $43,368 |
Center For Drug Discovery | $68,856 |
Cob Accounting | $144,013 |
Cob Business Graduate Studies | $62,521 |
Cob Economics | $129,475 |
Cob Finance | $101,758 |
Cob Information Systems | $80,000 |
Cob International Engagement | $50,000 |
Cob Management | $105,000 |
Cob Marketing | $123,862 |
Cob Mgmt Science & Statistics | $130,493 |
Cob Professional Excellence Ct | $55,160 |
Cob Undergraduate Studies | $57,894 |
Coehd Acad Teacher Excellence | $60,203 |
Coehd Bicultural Bilingual Std | $59,653 |
Coehd Counseling | $48,285 |
Coehd Educ Leadership | $3,500 |
Coehd Educ Psychology | $75,245 |
Coehd Graduate Studies | $38,438 |
Coehd Interdiscip Learning | $27,880 |
Coehd Teacher Education Svcs | $72,000 |
Coehd-Race,Ethnicity,Gendersex | $70,713 |
Colfa Anthropology | $75,707 |
Colfa Art & Art History | $46,350 |
Colfa Communication | $75,000 |
Colfa English | $76,797 |
Colfa History | $63,531 |
Colfa Modern Languages | $46,200 |
Colfa Music | $46,748 |
Colfa Philosophy | $48,410 |
Colfa Political Sci & Geog | $43,992 |
College For Hcap | $60,747 |
College Of Business | $63,550 |
College Of Educ & Human Dvlpmt | $54,355 |
College Of Liberal / Fine Arts | $57,786 |
College Of Science-Dean | $59,501 |
Comm Outrch & Trsr Recruitmnt | $51,006 |
Commercial & Innovation | $75,000 |
Community Relations | $170,858 |
Compliance | $67,206 |
Cont Improvement & Accred | $85,283 |
Contex Office | $60,000 |
Contract Industrial Agreements | $80,498 |
Controller'S Office | $73,692 |
Corporate & Foundations Engage | $91,273 |
Cos Chemistry | $59,155 |
Cos Computer Science | $87,148 |
Cos Earth & Planetary Sciences | $60,000 |
Cos Integrative Biology | $53,869 |
Cos Math | $62,704 |
Cos Molecular Microbiology & I | $58,253 |
Cos Neurosci Dev & Regen Bio | $57,992 |
Cos Physics & Astronomy | $67,456 |
Cos Student Success Center | $50,125 |
Ctr Cultural Sustainability | $35,281 |
Ctr Excel Engr Research & Educ | $63,550 |
Ctr For Archeological Resrch | $19,760 |
Ctr Infrastr Assurance & Secur | $59,209 |
Ctr Res & Training In Sciences | $15,808 |
Cyber Manufacturing Innov Inst | $118,410 |
Cyber Security Analytics | $58,319 |
Dean Of Students | $47,000 |
Design And Construction | $101,209 |
Digital Learning | $69,343 |
Disbursements & Travel Svcs | $50,931 |
Distribution Services | $35,719 |
Educ Outreach & Retention | $91,944 |
Engaged Learning,Career Ed &Qe | $92,157 |
English Language Center | $15,594 |
Enrollment Mkt, Comm & Systems | $61,410 |
Enrollment Operations | $39,067 |
Equal Opportunity Services | $79,653 |
Events, Conferences Camps Eec | $51,827 |
Facilities Administration | $89,810 |
Facilities Building Operations | $53,741 |
Facilities Business Operations | $39,866 |
Facilities Downtown Campus | $54,272 |
Facilities Operations & Mtnc | $54,010 |
Faculty Research Development | $67,149 |
Faculty Success | $59,136 |
Faculty Support | $100,198 |
Financial Affairs | $85,576 |
Financial Aid Office Operation | $53,594 |
Financial Svcs & Univ Bursar | $73,220 |
First Gen & Transfer Ctr | $45,000 |
First Year Exp Prog | $38,000 |
Fiscal Services Collections | $45,210 |
Fiscal Services Downtown | $43,997 |
Fiscal Services Main Campus | $35,477 |
Football | $65,000 |
Foster Care Initiatives | $46,100 |
Genomic Core (Geno) | $72,383 |
Golf - Men | $56,500 |
Golf - Women | $63,500 |
Graduate School | $54,838 |
Grounds Custodial & Sam | $34,659 |
Harvey E Najim Center Admin | $92,268 |
Hcap Crimlgy Criminal Justice | $74,494 |
Hcap Ctr Comm Bsd Applied Res | $62,000 |
Hcap Demography | $121,019 |
Hcap Inst Demographic Res | $70,821 |
Hcap Inst Health Disparaties | $33,398 |
Hcap Kinesiology | $73,475 |
Hcap Nutrition & Dietetics | $52,173 |
Hcap Psychology | $61,053 |
Hcap Public Administration | $67,875 |
Hcap Public Health | $80,234 |
Hcap Social Work | $61,443 |
Hcap Sociology | $90,214 |
Honors College | $46,878 |
Housing Administration | $45,000 |
Housing And Campus Services | $35,000 |
Ied Ctr For Comm & Bus Rsrch | $99,861 |
Ied Minority Bus Dvlpmt Ctr | $67,824 |
Ied Sw Trade Adjustment Assist | $70,268 |
Institute For Cyber Security | $49,500 |
Institute For Economic Dvlpmt | $77,294 |
Institute For Hcap | $63,705 |
Institute For Law & Public Aff | $57,614 |
Institute For Texan Cultures | $47,593 |
Institutional Research | $74,165 |
Int School Engmt Hum Soc Scis | $90,000 |
International Services | $75,000 |
Inventory | $48,701 |
Itc Visitor Services | $14,820 |
Kceid Biomed Eng Chemical Eng | $108,000 |
Kceid Cvl Env Engr & Const Mgt | $89,001 |
Kceid Elec &Comp Engr | $91,456 |
Kceid Mechanical Engineering | $96,806 |
Kceid Sch Of Arch And Planning | $53,740 |
Kleberg Adv Microscopy Ctr | $63,958 |
Klesse Colleg Of Ing & Int De | $62,045 |
Laboratory Animal Resource Ctr | $49,680 |
Leadership And Volunteer Svcs | $51,629 |
Legal Affairs | $97,366 |
Library | $54,884 |
Library-Art Collection | $68,301 |
Matrix Ai Consortium | $92,903 |
Mexico Center | $82,199 |
Multicultural Student Center | $57,599 |
Multidicisplinary Studies Prgm | $46,350 |
National Security Collab Ctr | $139,545 |
Ncb | $41,612 |
Neurosciences Institute | $55,920 |
Office Of Sustainability | $71,255 |
Office Of University Architect | $53,813 |
Oit Information Security | $97,125 |
One Stop Enrollment Center | $48,327 |
Online Programs | $53,337 |
Open Cloud Institute | $52,035 |
Operations & Advancment Srvc | $55,000 |
Opsa Cos Res Serv Ctr | $71,084 |
Orientation & Family Programs | $62,518 |
Ospa-Colfa Cob Honors Res | $68,225 |
Payroll Services | $58,346 |
Peace Center | $52,868 |
People Excellence | $67,755 |
Prep Initiative | $65,805 |
President | $112,549 |
Prof And Continuing Ed (Pace) | $34,580 |
Purchasing Department | $66,500 |
Recruitment | $48,328 |
Registrar | $48,171 |
Research Computing Support | $101,736 |
Research Finance And Ops Ofc | $69,600 |
Research Integrity | $63,402 |
Research It & Business Intelli | $70,004 |
Research, Vice President | $73,506 |
Reserve Officers Training Corp | $44,311 |
Residence Life | $42,500 |
Rise Programs | $71,278 |
Risk And Emergency Mgmt | $66,512 |
Sbdc - San Antonio | $64,698 |
Sbdc Ctr For Govt Contracts | $65,433 |
Sbdc International Trade Ctr | $73,378 |
Sbdc Network | $15,951 |
Sbdc Tech & Commercialization | $65,447 |
School Of Data Science | $63,291 |
Se Business Service Center | $54,327 |
Small Bus Dvlpmt Ctr-Regnl Ofc | $84,120 |
Soccer - Women | $51,000 |
Softball | $45,000 |
Sponsored Projects | $83,500 |
Sr Vice Prov Stud Affairs | $81,545 |
Sr Vp &Dean University College | $61,562 |
Stdnt Conduct & Comm Standards | $46,592 |
Stem Cell Core (Scc) | $46,024 |
Strategic Communications | $61,128 |
Strategic Research Development | $76,000 |
Strategic Research Intiatives | $56,486 |
Stu Sccs Strat Init Lrng Innov | $62,000 |
Student Activities | $58,406 |
Student Disability Services | $29,640 |
Student Success Init | $98,567 |
Student Union | $44,705 |
Surplus Property | $36,500 |
Tennis - Men | $47,815 |
Tennis - Women | $46,023 |
Testing Services | $45,210 |
Top Scholar Program | $64,719 |
Track/Cc - Men | $51,056 |
Transfer And Transition Sss | $49,188 |
Transportation Auxiliary | $16,549 |
Trc Learning Assistance | $43,050 |
Trc Supplemental Instruction | $41,018 |
Trc Tutoring | $43,563 |
Tx Sustainable Energy Res Inst | $65,789 |
Uc Ofc Ug Research | $52,249 |
Undergraduate Studies | $55,362 |
Univ Mktg & Spec Projects | $71,038 |
University Career Center | $52,469 |
University College | $53,553 |
University Development | $87,338 |
University Health Professions | $56,350 |
University Police | $56,921 |
University Real Estate Office | $66,788 |
Urban Education Institute | $44,078 |
Uts Application Dvlpmt Support | $85,281 |
Uts Bus Mgmt&Community Engage | $85,670 |
Uts Business Info Systems | $75,844 |
Uts Customer & Ops Support | $62,000 |
Uts Information Technology | $64,939 |
Uts Infrastructure Services | $91,750 |
Uts Project Management | $95,000 |
Uts Strategic Services & Comm | $70,233 |
Uts Technology Support | $52,317 |
Uts Telecomm Support | $70,000 |
Uts-Cyber Security Operations | $96,427 |
Utsa Apex Accelerator | $54,406 |
Veteran And Military Affairs | $43,000 |
Vice Provost Academic Innov | $75,894 |
Vice Prvst For Global Init | $53,430 |
Video Production Group | $57,946 |
Volleyball | $45,500 |
Vp Adv & Alumni Engagement | $82,083 |
Vp For University Relations | $70,679 |
Vpba Business Service Center | $53,195 |
Vpba Strategic Communications | $68,956 |
Welcome Center & Ambassadors | $41,475 |
Wellbeing Services | $43,276 |
Women'S Studies Institute | $44,183 |
Writing Core Program | $41,211 |