AVP for Planning | $65,868 |
Account & Inform Sys | $154,250 |
Admissions & Recruitment | $36,635 |
Advising | $43,160 |
Advising and Student Services | $58,687 |
Aerospace & Mechanical Eng | $100,713 |
Aerospace Center | $64,560 |
Alter Teach Cert Program | $48,550 |
Art Department | $51,857 |
Art Gallery | $49,492 |
Athletics | $60,000 |
BSL3 & Insectary | $53,500 |
Bioinformatics | $50,625 |
Biological Sciences | $78,000 |
Border Biomedical Research Ctr | $56,566 |
Budget and Payroll Svcs | $51,500 |
Building Maintenanc | $41,476 |
CASSMAR | $129,500 |
COURI-Campus Office of Undergr | $55,373 |
Cash/Property Manage & Fin Rpt | $69,098 |
Chemistry | $80,217 |
Chicano Studies | $40,000 |
Chief of Staff | $137,827 |
Civil Engineering | $102,730 |
Clinical Lab Science | $70,000 |
Col of Business Dean's Office | $54,893 |
Col of Education Dean's Office | $55,456 |
Col of Hlth Sci Dean's Office | $50,351 |
Col of Lib Arts Dean's Office | $43,495 |
College of Business | $60,448 |
College of Education | $46,550 |
College of Engineering | $41,600 |
College of Engineering Dean's | $61,090 |
College of Health Science | $48,500 |
College of Liberal Arts | $54,429 |
College of Nursing | $65,000 |
College of Science | $40,480 |
College of Science Dean's Offi | $55,620 |
Commercialization & Econ Dev | $163,200 |
Communication | $52,890 |
Computer Science | $112,511 |
Continuing Education - P3 | $50,775 |
Controlled Space Enterprise | $66,950 |
Counseling and Psych Services | $55,000 |
Creative Writing | $80,948 |
Criminal Justice | $50,325 |
Ct for Educ Rsch & Policy Stud | $64,927 |
Ct for Inter-Amer Border Stud | $48,723 |
Ctr for Adv Materials Rsch | $45,000 |
Ctr for Community Engagement | $55,025 |
Ctr for Environ Resource Mgmt | $50,775 |
Ctr for Faculty Leader & Devel | $56,046 |
Ctr for Law & Border Studies | $71,546 |
Ctr for Transport Infras Sys | $53,900 |
Ctr. for Accomod & Supp Svc. | $46,550 |
Custodial and Grounds | $26,975 |
Cyber Share | $74,000 |
D Natalicio Inst for Hisp Stud | $70,700 |
Dean of Students | $46,550 |
Department of Public Health | $50,000 |
Development English | $40,000 |
Development Math | $49,818 |
Dinner Theatre | $46,073 |
Disbursement Services | $41,200 |
Div Marketing & Communications | $52,626 |
ES-Technical Services | $54,139 |
Earth, Environ & Resource Sci | $84,147 |
Economics & Finance | $118,606 |
Educ Leadership and Found | $88,870 |
Educ Psychology and Spec Svcs | $30,000 |
Electrical & Computer Engineer | $102,963 |
Engineering Education and Lead | $85,000 |
English | $52,693 |
Entering Student Experience | $50,089 |
Enterprise Computing | $77,976 |
Env Science Eng | $47,741 |
Environmental Health & Safety | $55,094 |
Equal Opportunity | $54,500 |
Evaluation & Assessment | $77,000 |
Extended University | $41,412 |
Fac Svcs Business Operations | $38,441 |
Facilities Management | $65,520 |
Facilities Operations | $43,862 |
Fellowships And Awards | $70,167 |
Finance | $74,047 |
Financial Aid | $45,680 |
Graduate School | $52,297 |
History | $75,815 |
Honors Program | $53,045 |
Human Resources | $52,250 |
Humanities | $43,280 |
Hunt Institute | $56,553 |
Industr, Manufact & Sys Eng | $93,175 |
Information Security | $83,617 |
Institutional Advancement | $62,000 |
Institutional Compliance | $60,000 |
International Programs Office | $39,994 |
KTEP | $53,500 |
Kinesiology | $46,804 |
LSAMP | $69,212 |
Laboratory Animal Resources Ct | $33,300 |
Language and Linguistics | $48,087 |
Leadership Studies | $50,000 |
Legal Affairs | $118,085 |
Library | $49,711 |
Marketing | $41,085 |
Marketing & Management | $143,829 |
Mathematical Sciences | $60,000 |
Metallurgical & Materials Eng | $101,766 |
Mike Loya Center | $75,094 |
Military Science | $34,320 |
Military Services | $35,568 |
Miner Athletic Advising Center | $49,275 |
Miner Gold Card | $53,441 |
Museum | $34,320 |
Music | $54,810 |
New Student Orientation | $46,550 |
Nursing Dean's Office | $65,000 |
OSHER Lifelong Learning Instit | $25,500 |
Occupational Therapy | $71,070 |
Offc of Tech Commercialization | $81,875 |
Office of Audit and Consul Svc | $77,274 |
Office of Community Standard | $51,600 |
Oral History | $59,366 |
Outreach & Student Acc | $54,590 |
Outreach Programs | $51,398 |
Parking | $33,843 |
Pharm Practice & Clinical Sci | $89,625 |
Pharmaceutical Science | $90,260 |
Pharmacy | $89,154 |
Philosophy | $74,516 |
Physical Therapy | $82,277 |
Physics | $81,268 |
Planning & Construction | $64,000 |
Police Department | $53,254 |
Political Science & Public Adm | $58,125 |
President | $68,970 |
Provost and VPAA | $68,487 |
Psychology | $83,000 |
Purchasing | $56,090 |
Real Estate and Acquisitions | $64,945 |
Recreational Sports | $40,480 |
Registration/Records | $48,275 |
Rehabilitation Counseling | $69,521 |
Rehabilitation Sciences | $65,000 |
Religious Studies | $47,186 |
Research Administration | $52,000 |
Research Advancement | $66,625 |
Research Compliance | $52,500 |
Research Support | $60,295 |
Residence Life | $46,550 |
Rsch Instit for Manuf/Eng Syst | $72,160 |
Scholarships | $46,550 |
Social Work | $53,560 |
Sociology and Anthropology | $60,000 |
Space Management | $46,550 |
Special Events | $45,320 |
Special Facilities Mgmt | $44,750 |
Speech Language Pathology | $64,156 |
Student Assesment & Testing | $34,942 |
Student Business Services | $41,065 |
Student Engage & Leadership Ct | $46,986 |
Student Fin Svcs | $88,275 |
Student Health Services | $56,090 |
Student Publications | $44,146 |
Student Success Center | $47,089 |
Student Support | $46,550 |
Student Support Svcs Program | $43,000 |
Study Abroad Prog | $37,346 |
System Integration | $55,098 |
Teacher Education | $63,000 |
Technology Support | $54,517 |
Telecomm Infrastructure | $73,828 |
Theatre & Dance | $52,741 |
Ticket Center | $54,970 |
Union Services | $26,523 |
University Career Center | $46,660 |
University Events | $55,401 |
University Towers | $26,523 |
VP Enrollment | $62,000 |
VP Student Affairs | $63,963 |
VP for Business Affairs | $63,000 |
VP for Information Resources | $57,214 |
W.M. Keck Center | $70,338 |
Women's and Gender Studies | $34,000 |
Writing Center | $49,025 |