UT Austin

Total Employees


Median Salary


Minimum Salary


Maximum Salary


Employees By Gender

Most employees of this institution identify as female.

GenderEmployeesPercentMedian Salary
Not Provided13

Employees By Race

Most employees of this institution identify as White.

RaceEmployeesPercentMedian Salary
American Indian or Alaska Native40
Black or African American1,208
Hispanic or Latino4,142
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander13
Not Provided30
Two or More Races370


This institution has 1147 departments.

DepartmentMedian Salary
ADM Marketing Content$57,475
ADS S/R$50,750
AIM Investment Center$90,152
ARC DPRI Hiring Supervisor$43,775
ARC Facility Hiring Manager$62,400
ARC Supervisor$40,000
ATI Students$62,400
Academic Affairs$126,800
Academic Business Affairs$85,772
Academic Curricular and Career Innovation$115,313
Academic Information Services$100,053
Academic Information Systems$93,610
Academic Personnel Services$67,320
Academic Production Management$59,552
Academic Space Planning$51,650
Academic Technology$67,300
Academic and Research Studio$95,000
Access and Outcomes Center$42,593
Administrative Office$47,572
Administrative Services$66,030
African and African Diaspora Studies$59,648
African and African Diaspora Studies, Department$136,704
Animal Resources Center$44,816
Annette Strauss Institute for Civic Life$67,000
Apartment Life$52,000
Apartments Occupancy Conferences$81,955
Aphasia Lab$78,279
Applied Research Laboratories$325,151
Arthur M Blank Center for Stuttering Education & Research$69,896
Associate Vice President for Health & Wellbeing$257,498
Athletic Performance$50,000
Athletic Performance FB$133,900
Athletic Performance Olympic$79,568
Austin Technology Incubator$101,500
BBA Program Office$59,000
BSOM Associate Director Office$65,689
Barbara Jordan Chair in Ethics and Political Values; Center for the Study of Race and Democracy$67,291
Basketball Equipment$31,200
Beach Volleyball$87,550
Bess Harris Jones Professorship; Research and Sponsored Projects$54,080
Billing & Insurance$49,311
Biology Instruction Office$59,450
Biology Instructional Office$52,530
Biology Instructional Office: Instructional Support Specialists$44,444
Biomedical Engineering$120,000
Biomedical Enginering$56,000
Blanton Museum of Art$31,200
Box Office$32,240
Bridging Barriers - Office of the Vice President for Research$80,779
Brief Assessment and Referral Team$68,473
Budget Office$114,528
Building Logistics and Keys$52,709
Building Services - Dobie$38,563
Building Services - Jester$39,335
Building Services - Pest Control$47,172
Building Services - Waller Creek$38,949
Building Services - Whitis$39,335
Bureau of Economic Geology$91,560
Business Administration$56,501
Business Affairs$53,000
Business Contracts$85,003
Business Development$122,500
Business Intelligence/Data Mgr$75,000
Business Office$80,439
Business Services$78,720
Business Systems Management$70,270
Business and Financial Services$47,950
Business and Technology Services$150,213
Business, Government and Society$98,924
Butler School of Music$31,200
CAMP Basketball-M$31,200
CEMI‐Center for Entertainment and Media Industries$52,358
CFME‐Center for Media Engagement$83,945
CIO/ITS COO Office$108,160
CMHC Administrative Office$45,059
CMHC Integrated Health$74,883
CMHC/Center for Students in Recovery$81,375
CMHC/UHS Data Team$65,365
CMHC/UHS Public Information Team$72,332
CNS Advising$46,560
CNS Advising and Student Services$75,149
CNS Business Services$80,000
CNS Career Services$50,350
CNS Communications$59,925
CNS Communications and Events$69,200
CNS Community & Student Engagement$86,000
CNS Dean$40,000
CNS Development$64,464
CNS Experiential Learning$62,769
CNS Faculty Affairs$69,000
CNS Graduate Education$84,352
CNS Health Professions$57,325
CNS Honors$51,500
CNS Information Technology$67,486
CNS Office of Experiential Learning$75,000
CNS Office of Student Life, Recruitment & Special Programs$51,525
CNS Quest$54,338
CNS Research and Facilities$79,728
CNS Strategy and Planning$102,907
CNS Student Records$50,000
CNS Undergraduate Education$62,000
COFA Academic Advising$48,001
CPC - Capital Planning and Construction$75,500
CREO-Campus Real Estate Office$103,000
CS - 007 Electrical Shop$61,867
CS - 021 Carpenter Shop$49,525
CS - 022 Paint and Sign Shop$43,919
CS - 023 Mechanical Shop$63,028
CS - 024 General Construction$45,645
CS - 038 Abatement Shop$52,657
CS - 100 Area Supervisor$43,266
CS - 111$37,440
CS - 112$39,120
CS - 113$38,251
CS - 114$38,220
CS - 115$38,236
CS - 116$38,324
CS - 200 Area Supervisor$46,496
CS - 221$37,440
CS - 222$37,440
CS - 300 Area Supervisor$42,116
CS - 331$37,440
CS - 332$38,324
CS - 333$37,440
CS - 400 Area Supervisor$42,625
CS - 442$37,440
CS - 443$37,440
CS - 444$37,882
CS - 445$37,440
CS - 500 Area Supervisor$45,415
CS - 551$37,440
CS - 552$37,440
CS - 553$37,440
CS - 554$37,440
CS - 600 Area Supervisor$45,128
CS - 661$39,120
CS - 662$37,440
CS - 663$38,324
CS - 664$38,324
CS - 700 Area Supervisor$42,636
CS - 771$37,440
CS - 772$37,882
CS - 773$37,440
CS - 774$37,440
CS - 800 Area Supervisor$43,378
CS - 881 LBJ Library$38,324
CS - 882$37,440
CS - 883$38,324
CS - 884$37,440
CS - 885$38,324
CS - 992 Repair$38,574
CS - Administration$37,800
CS - Construction Services$74,860
CS - Custodial Services$110,011
CS - Day Operations Management$70,980
CS - Night Operations Management$62,232
CS - Production Control$45,169
CS - Project Management and Construction Services$96,583
CS - Project Planning & Production Control$74,360
CS - Training$47,150
CS 775 -$37,440
CS OPS - Utilities Operations$62,200
Campus Comms$76,500
Campus Communications$101,501
Campus Construction$158,480
Campus Distribution Services$44,310
Campus Life and Belonging$88,127
Campus Operations$182,472
Campus Planning and Project Management$150,750
Campus Services$123,361
Career Development$50,300
Career Management and Corporate Relations$66,295
Case Management$66,745
Case Management & Psychiatric Services$98,413
Center For Identity$118,218
Center Operations & Administration$129,625
Center for Aeromechanics Research$110,183
Center for Asian American Studies$54,000
Center for Biomedical Research Support$77,250
Center for Community College Student Engagement$65,000
Center for Community College Student Engagement $84,181
Center for Creative Economies$60,000
Center for Customer Insights and Marketing Solutions$52,000
Center for Electromechanics$88,145
Center for Energy and Environmental Resources$93,650
Center for European Studies$62,456
Center for Global Business$60,000
Center for Health Communication$63,944
Center for High Energy Density Science$91,787
Center for Leadership and Ethics$89,250
Center for Mechanics of Solids, Structures, and Materials$38,000
Center for Media Engagement$52,530
Center for Mexican American Studies$61,200
Center for Middle Eastern Studies$57,712
Center for Perceptual Systems$63,800
Center for Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering$232,652
Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies$60,000
Center for Space Research$101,358
Center for Students in Recovery$56,700
Center for Subsurface Energy and the Environment$90,000
Center for Taiwan Studies$50,000
Center for Teaching and Learning$83,056
Center for Transportation Research$77,000
Center for Water and the Environment$61,288
Center for Women's and Gender Studies$65,000
Central Assoc Dean$59,500
Chandra Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering$141,559
Charles A Dana Center$85,971
Charles A Dana Center for$64,735
Charles A. Dana Center$88,000
Chilling Station Maintenance$61,860
Chilling Stations$78,666
Civitas Institute$95,000
Clark Center for Australian and New Zealand Studies$33,280
Clements Center for National Security$69,577
Clinical Operations$63,860
Clinical Support$44,901
Cockrell School of Engineering$72,800
Collaborative Research$76,820
College of Education$124,800
College of Fine Arts$65,000
College of Liberal Arts$88,775
College of Liberal Arts Student Affairs Admin$41,600
College of Natural Sciences$221,723
College of Pharmacy$190,338
College of Pharmacy - Administration and Business$82,430
College of Pharmacy - Business Office Staff$45,834
College of Pharmacy - Business and Finance$83,744
College of Pharmacy - Dean Support$52,933
College of Pharmacy - Development and Alumni Relations$101,810
College of Pharmacy - Division Support$58,962
College of Pharmacy - Experiential Education Program$65,685
College of Pharmacy - Experiential Learning Faculty$81,000
College of Pharmacy - Information Technology Services$47,380
College of Pharmacy - Interprofessional Education Center$83,134
College of Pharmacy - Learning Resource Center$74,577
College of Pharmacy - PharmD Academic Support$140,774
College of Pharmacy - PharmD Admissions and Advising$55,500
College of Pharmacy - PharmD Curriculum and Assessment$66,768
College of Pharmacy - PharmD Student Affairs Office$55,274
College of Pharmacy - Research and Graduate Studies$65,832
College of Pharmacy - TXCORE$84,000
College of Pharmacy Andrea Gore Research$66,090
College of Pharmacy Anton Avancena Research$56,484
College of Pharmacy Ben Liu Research$47,476
College of Pharmacy Bill Williams Research$55,000
College of Pharmacy Chanhyun Park Research$54,600
College of Pharmacy Chris Frei Research$48,704
College of Pharmacy Chris Whitman Research$60,029
College of Pharmacy Continuing Education Office$60,044
College of Pharmacy Division of Chemical Biology and Medicinal Chemistry$116,254
College of Pharmacy Division of Health Outcomes$109,915
College of Pharmacy Division of Molecular Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery$158,332
College of Pharmacy Division of Pharmacology and Toxicology$126,002
College of Pharmacy Division of Pharmacotherapy$101,139
College of Pharmacy Division of Pharmacy Practice$97,741
College of Pharmacy Division of Pharmacy Practice - 0% Faculty$71,250
College of Pharmacy Divison of Pharmacy Practice - Student Office Staff$130,000
College of Pharmacy Grace Lee Research$56,625
College of Pharmacy Healthcare Partnerships and CE$91,964
College of Pharmacy Jamie Barner Research$204,610
College of Pharmacy John Digiovanni Research$76,500
College of Pharmacy John Richburg Research$57,300
College of Pharmacy Juan Guan Research$57,500
College of Pharmacy Karen Vasquez Research$62,726
College of Pharmacy Kevin Dalby Research$70,245
College of Pharmacy Kevin Dalby Research Service Core$94,977
College of Pharmacy Kim Nixon Research$62,470
College of Pharmacy Laura Fonken Research$55,022
College of Pharmacy Leticia Moczygemba Research$57,512
College of Pharmacy Lucas Hill Research$97,500
College of Pharmacy Luis Natividad Research$42,400
College of Pharmacy Michela Marinelli Research$60,000
College of Pharmacy Nayun Kim Research$56,484
College of Pharmacy Pharmacology and Toxicology Division Office - Staff$57,500
College of Pharmacy Regina Mangieri Research$49,767
College of Pharmacy Residents$33,750
College of Pharmacy Seongmin Lee Research$56,484
College of Pharmacy Sharon DeMorrow Research$60,025
College of Pharmacy Somshuvra Mukhopadhyay Research$58,894
College of Pharmacy TherapeUTex Service Core$94,933
Comal Child Development Center$41,000
Commemoration and Contextualization Projects$77,625
Communication & Marketing$68,015
Community Engagement Guard Supervisor$39,757
Community Engagement Lieutenant$94,112
Community Engagement Public Safety Supervisor$40,477
Community Engagement Sergeant$81,195
Community Engagement Sergent$79,665
Community Engagement and Public Practice$57,000
Conferences and Events$67,600
Construction Industry Institute$71,288
Content Management$46,100
Copy Services-SSW$58,044
Core Facilities$154,400
Counseling & Community Outreach$74,848
Counseling and Mental Health Center$80,392
Counselor in Academic Residence$74,206
Creative Development$55,000
Culture Collection of Algae$51,432
Curriculum and Instruction$88,033
D2I - Analytics$88,000
D2I - Data to Insights$140,000
D2I - Functional$86,000
D2I - Legacy Data Services$127,800
D2I - Technical$114,125
DANA - Charles A. Dana Center$60,610
DGS Chair Office$62,400
DGS Principal Investigator$75,564
DGS Technology Services$93,540
DGS Travel Coordination$55,000
DMS Landscape Services$40,269
Data Intensive Computing$150,969
Data Management & Collections$96,625
Data to Insights$139,454
Dean's Office$176,665
Dean's Office Accounting$43,508
Dean's Office Executive Assistant$48,000
Defense Research Advancement$96,700
Dell Medical School$78,837
Dell Medical School - Ambulatory Surgery Center$54,122
Dell Medical School - Health Social Work$65,445
Dell Medical School - Revenue Cycle$56,650
Dell Medical School Department of Neurology$41,600
Dell Seton Sergeant$76,646
Dep Exec Director$189,372
Department of Accounting$197,176
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics$116,846
Department of African and African Diaspora Studies$70,000
Department of American Studies$99,500
Department of Anthropology$108,971
Department of Art and Art History$62,100
Department of Art and Art History Associate Chair$53,000
Department of Arts and Entertainment Technologies$72,904
Department of Asian Studies$58,125
Department of Astronomy$112,000
Department of Biomedical Engineering$60,000
Department of Business, Government, and Society$42,848
Department of Chemical Engineering$60,000
Department of Chemistry$60,000
Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering$64,695
Department of Civil, Architectural, and Environmental Engineering$67,002
Department of Classics$109,017
Department of Communication Studies$112,250
Department of Communication Studies - Administrative$62,141
Department of Computer Science$80,102
Department of Design$61,000
Department of Diagnostic Medicine$89,100
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences$126,000
Department of Economics$171,825
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering$62,000
Department of English$111,416
Department of Finance$140,060
Department of French and Italian$64,260
Department of Geography and the Environment$105,123
Department of Germanic Studies$55,793
Department of Government$149,271
Department of History$112,075
Department of Human Development and Family Sciences$98,000
Department of Information, Risk, and Operations Management$155,185
Department of Integrative Biology$81,070
Department of Internal Medicine$65,595
Department of Investigation and Adjudication$82,495
Department of Linguistics$73,299
Department of Management$70,431
Department of Marine Science$89,794
Department of Marketing$148,474
Department of Mathematics$80,300
Department of Mechanical Engineering$60,000
Department of Medical Education$81,197
Department of Medicine$235,297
Department of Mexican American and Latino/a Studies$97,232
Department of Middle Eastern Studies$101,120
Department of Middle Eastern Studies - Arabic Flagship Program$35,360
Department of Military Science$52,177
Department of Molecular Biosciences$49,250
Department of Naval Science - NROTC$53,500
Department of Neurology$131,840
Department of Neuroscience$118,068
Department of Neurosurgery$131,193
Department of Nutritional Sciences$68,650
Department of Oncology$62,684
Department of Ophthalmology$67,453
Department of Pediatrics$164,342
Department of Petroleum and Geosystems$89,000
Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering$72,897
Department of Philosophy$168,617
Department of Physics$106,605
Department of Population Health$93,000
Department of Psychiatry$80,000
Department of Psychology$68,480
Department of ROTC-Air Force Science$50,796
Department of Radio-Television-Film$81,075
Department of Radio-Television-Film - Administrative$53,250
Department of Religious Studies$91,507
Department of Rhetoric and Writing$69,345
Department of Slavic and Eurasian Studies$61,700
Department of Sociology$131,018
Department of Spanish and Portuguese$60,000
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences$83,200
Department of Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences - Administrative$54,000
Department of Statistics & Data Sciences$60,000
Department of Statistics and Data Sciences$72,500
Department of Surgery & Perioperative Care$147,914
Department of Surgery and Perioperative Care$354,338
Department of Theatre and Dance$68,383
Department of Women's Health$183,505
Department of Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies$76,327
Dept of Diagnostic Medicine$43,640
Development and Alumni Relations$53,000
Development and External Relations$70,220
Digital Humanities Initiative - Clement$58,000
Dining - Catering$45,767
Dining - Coffee Brands$39,335
Dining - Cypress Bend$38,189
Dining - Jester Bakery$43,067
Dining - Jester City Market$37,440
Dining - Jester Dining$38,189
Dining - Jester Production Kitchen$39,335
Dining - Jester Warehouse$41,600
Dining - Kinsolving$39,335
Dining - Kinsolving Market$37,440
Dining - Littlefield Patio Cafe$42,640
Dining - Marketing$50,500
Dining - PCL$37,440
Dining - Purchasing$66,997
Dining - Sustainability$43,785
Dining and Catering$102,501
Director Executive Communications$65,250
Discovery to Impact$133,063
Dispatch Supervisor$52,188
Division of Campus and Community Engagement$69,010
Division of Textiles and Apparel$60,500
Document Solution$49,440
Document Solutions$41,600
Dolph Briscoe Center for American History$55,000
EHS - Radiation Safety$49,440
EHS-Biological & Lab Safety$63,194
EHS-Campus & Occupational Safety$79,424
EHSD - Animal Make Safe$56,469
EMO - Demand Side Energy$110,000
EMO Control Systems$116,325
EMO Electrical and Instrument$90,000
EMO Power Systems Electrical$110,000
EPIC Evaluation Services$103,000
EPIC Outreach$75,600
Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior and Plant Biology Graduate Programs$58,000
Education - Business Services$71,500
Education - Development Office$57,000
Education - Development Team$105,000
Education - Education Services$75,842
Education - OERS$85,363
Education - Office of the Dean$129,707
Education - Student Affairs$55,355
Education - Technology Offices$69,749
Education Abroad$52,200
Educational Leadership & Policy$54,593
Educational Leadership and Policy$90,000
Educational Psychology$70,700
Education ‐ Office of the Dean$124,800
Electrical Distribution$97,187
Electrical Distribution Associate Director$141,147
Electrical Distribution Elevator$72,753
Electrical Distribution Plant Maintenance$77,687
Electrical and Computer Engineering$60,864
Emergency Management$73,000
Energy Analysts$72,000
Energy Institute$91,200
Energy Management and Innovation Center$60,240
Energy Management and Optimization Associate Director$144,000
Energy Management and Strategic Programs$72,000
English Language Center$55,800
Enrollment Management and Student Success$151,381
Enterprise Business Information Technology Solutions$92,550
Entrepreneurship Minor$62,250
Entrepreneurship Programs$72,625
Environmental Health and Safety$75,435
Environmental Science Institute$68,000
Event Operations$41,600
Extended Education Ventures$68,972
External Affairs$74,000
External Relations$85,132
External Relations & Development$72,900
External Relations and Development$61,800
FOM - 006 LBJ Library$59,041
FOM - 014 Building Optimization$60,153
FOM - 019 Fire/Life/Safety Systems$56,445
FOM - 044 Bldg Automation and Operations$46,508
FOM - 051 PRC Zone$53,661
FOM - 091 North Zone$56,826
FOM - 092 Central Zone$52,000
FOM - 093 East Zone$52,467
FOM - 094 South Zone$54,488
FOM - 097 Engineering and Technical Support$96,555
FOM - 099 Swing Shift Zone Shop$54,600
FOM - 195 Dell Medical School$56,410
FOM - Building Operations$72,090
FOM - Facilities Operations and Maintenance$94,970
FOM - Warranty and Commissioning$70,088
FOM-019 Fire/Life/Safety$66,258
FPM Business Operations$52,933
FPM Contracts$63,345
Fabrication & Academic Production$36,400
Fabrication Props$58,022
Fabrication and Academic Production$74,535
Facilities - Apartment Maintenance$51,275
Facilities - Residential Facilities Operations$87,338
Facilities - Security Services$60,416
Facilities Maintenance- North Zone$59,963
Facilities Maintenance- South Zone$59,670
Facilities Operations and Maintenance$122,883
Facilities Services$90,000
Facilities Services Directors Office$56,100
Facilities Technical Staff$85,696
Facility Operations$51,500
Faculty Advancement and Strategic Initiatives$94,226
Faculty Affairs$100,000
Faculty Research$71,050
Fariborz Maseeh Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering$128,936
Finance Research Centers$65,126
Finance and Administration$78,892
Finance and Administration - Human Resources$73,042
Finance and Administration - Information Technology Services$73,813
Financial Affairs$76,223
Financial Education and Research Center$112,332
Financial and Administrative Services$135,100
Financial and Administrative Services Business Services$136,611
Fire Inspectors$53,734
Fire Prevention Services$93,600
First Year Experience$54,080
Foodways Texas Program$43,391
Football Media Relations$56,650
Freshman Research Initiative$61,500
Front Desk$45,220
GEIA Global Engagement$65,000
Game Operations$68,000
Gault/Prehistory Research Project$46,350
Global Engagement$38,261
Global Risk & Safety$61,400
Global Sustainability Leadership$72,100
Governmental Affairs and Initiatives$130,000
Graduate School$125,659
Guest Experience$78,771
HITS and Medical Records$58,575
HR Support Services$55,008
HUB/SADBO Program Office$69,203
Hamilton Lab$59,158
Harry Huntt Ransom Humanities Research Center$65,559
Harry Ransom Center$53,046
Herb Kelleher Entrepreneurship Center$55,455
Hildebrand Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering$155,327
Hogg Foundation for Mental Health$76,483
Human Development and Family Sciences$39,000
Human Dimensions of Organizations$61,491
Human Resources$62,500
Human Resources Support Services$100,096
Humanities Institute$81,000
Humanities Program$64,944
IC2 Institute$60,840
IC2 Institute BBR$144,221
IRB and COI Program Management - Office of Research Support & Compliance$76,425
IRB and COI Program Management - Office of Research Support and Compliance$90,000
IT Services$79,325
IT Transformation$212,954
ITS Campus Solutions$93,608
ITS Customer Support Services$55,002
ITS Networking$74,675
ITS Office of Telecommunication Services$106,200
ITS University Data Centers and Electronic Physical Security Systems$65,159
ITS: Networking and Telecommunications$61,324
Information Commons$110,688
Information Security Office$143,808
Information Technology$77,000
Information Technology Services$89,368
Innovations for Peace and Development$65,000
Institute for Classical Archaeology$47,840
Institute for Computational Engineering and Science$72,800
Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences$50,440
Institute for Fusion Studies$101,679
Institute for Geophysics$94,432
Institute for Mental Health Research$50,000
Institute for Public School Initiatives$77,000
Institute for Urban Policy Research and Analysis$58,000
Institute for the Study of Antiquity and Christian Origins$65,000
Institutional Reporting, Research, Information and Surveys$100,610
Instructional Innovation$83,200
Instrument and Controls$58,102
Integrative Biology$58,242
Intellectual Property$120,000
Intelligence Studies Project$63,963
Intercollegiate Athletics$183,478
Internal Affairs$210,000
Internal Audits$70,024
Internal Operations$52,800
International Student & Scholar Services$54,400
Investigations and Analysis Sergeant$68,626
JBTVL & MSTC$73,712
JSG Academic and Student Affairs$78,000
JSG Business Services$60,000
JSG Communications$76,000
JSG Dean Office$55,000
JSG Development$87,092
JSG Energy and Earth Resources$50,000
JSG Facilities Management$58,000
JSG GeoFORCE$56,000
JSG Graduate Education$60,000
JSG Nonvertebrate Paleontology Lab$64,000
JSG Research Administration$89,945
JSG Student Affairs$62,500
JSG Vertebrate Paleontology Laboratory$69,500
Jack S Blanton Museum of Art$51,500
James A Michener Center for Writers$88,786
Jester City Market$37,815
John A and Katherine G Jackson School of Geosciences$197,955
John L Warfield Center for African and African American Studies$60,000
KUT - Newsroom$72,132
KUT - Programming$54,855
KUT - Texas Standard$66,891
KUT Programming$44,200
KUT Radio$101,471
KUT-Texas Standard$43,680
KUT/X - Technology Services$71,330
KUT/X - Administrative$50,085
KUT/X - Membership$60,375
KUT/X Membership$51,792
KUT/X Programming$55,440
KUTX - Programming$72,553
KUTX Programming$50,008
Kendra Scott WEL Institute$60,918
Kinesiology and Health Education$70,000
Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas$60,500
LBJ Finance and Administration - Facilities/Projects$48,182
LBJ Finance and Business Affairs$74,520
LBJ School$151,355
LBJ School of Public Affairs$54,663
LGBTQ Studies$65,000
LIVESTRONG Cancer Institutes$72,100
LaMontagne Center for Infectious Disease$62,400
Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center$42,847
Landscape & Integrated Building Services$101,888
Landscape Services$40,269
Lang Stuttering Institute Associate Director$72,000
Latino Research Institute$60,000
Lavaca Child Development Center$40,000
Lee and Joe Jamail Texas Swimming Center$59,000
Liberal Arts - Advising Team 2$52,437
Liberal Arts - Advising Team 3$52,427
Liberal Arts - Advising Team 4$52,000
Liberal Arts - Advising Team 6$55,010
Liberal Arts - Financial Affairs$64,890
Liberal Arts - LACS Career Coaching$63,284
Liberal Arts - OSS PACE Office of Student Success$55,000
Liberal Arts - Student Affairs$65,586
Liberal Arts - Student Affairs - Advising Team 1$52,437
Liberal Arts - Student Affairs - Advising Team 5$52,432
Liberal Arts - Student Affairs - Peer Team$31,200
Liberal Arts - Student Affairs Admin$62,605
Liberal Arts - Student Affairs Leadership$68,738
Liberal Arts - Student Division Admin 2$63,879
Liberal Arts - Student Division Advising Team$52,427
Liberal Arts Honors Programs$68,563
Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services$61,746
Licensing & Collaborative Research$154,442
Life Science Technology Development$142,500
Life Sciences Computing$163,230
Life Sciences Research Acceleration$97,500
Linguistics Research Center$58,417
Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr. Chair$53,434
Location Information$70,000
Lock & Key Services$38,147
Lock and Key - 032$39,520
Longhorn Aquatics$52,000
Longhorn Band$55,257
Longhorn Foundation$79,500
Longhorn Wellness Center$62,177
Lyndon B Johnson School of Public Affairs$110,855
MBA Program Office$65,776
MPA Program Office$57,918
MS Programs Office$61,880
Marine Science Institute$43,260
Marketing & Communications$65,941
Marketing and Communication$71,301
Material Management$51,152
McDonald Observatory$63,250
McKetta Department of Chemical Engineering$134,000
Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk$71,702
Mechanical Distribution$106,617
Mechanical Distribution Associate Director$115,525
Mechanical Distribution Plant Maintenance$62,736
Media Engagement, Center for$60,500
Men's Basketball$128,750
Microelectronics Research Center$56,379
Molecular Biosciences$126,000
Moody College Global Initiatives$48,960
Moody College of Communication$197,680
Music Theory$51,000
NSS Comm Team$49,246
NSS KJS Team$58,425
Nanomanufacturing Systems for Mobile Computing and Mobile Energy Technologies$105,000
National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development$65,000
Native American and Indigenous Studies$52,500
New Student Services$59,743
Nuclear Engineering Teaching Laboratory$84,520
Nursing - Allergy, Immunization$89,440
Nursing - General Medicine$81,016
Nursing Services$89,760
Nursing-Allergy, Immunization$73,653
Nursing-General Medicine$47,903
Nursing-Urgent Care, Sports Medicine$74,360
OVPR Research IT Group$92,237
Occupancy Management$46,905
Oden Institute$73,750
Office of Accounting$57,925
Office of Admissions$44,290
Office of Associate Dean for Global Engagement$127,709
Office of Campus Safety$52,000
Office of Curriculum, Management, and Innovation$48,805
Office of Distinguished and Postgraduate Scholarships$78,924
Office of Graduate Admissions$47,501
Office of Graduate Studies$55,411
Office of Institutional Reporting, Research, and Information Systems$67,155
Office of Internal Audits$141,000
Office of Research Support and Compliance$70,841
Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid$49,956
Office of Sponsored Projects$65,000
Office of Student Success$93,030
Office of the AVP for FPM$147,600
Office of the Associate Dean for Research$70,584
Office of the Dean of Students$93,194
Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost$357,655
Office of the General Faculty and Faculty Council$59,403
Office of the President$150,000
Office of the Registrar$49,010
Office of the VP of People and Talent$67,000
Office of the Vice President for Campus and Community Engagement$121,335
Office of the Vice President for Legal Affairs$140,000
Office of the Vice President for Research$82,680
Office of the Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors$230,000
Office of the Vice President of People and Talent$108,073
Office of the Vice Provost and Dean of Graduate Studies$66,533
Office of the Associate Dean for Research$52,000
Open Records$133,500
Organizational Development and Risk Reduction Dir$58,750
Osher Lifelong Learning Institute$46,002
PI Arif$72,100
PI Booth$110,400
PI Ding$41,600
PI Hauser$60,000
PI J. Bailey$65,000
PI Lee$33,280
PL - Data Management$76,500
PL - Planning$98,000
PL - Planning and Design$93,150
PL - Technical Review$85,443
PL- Operations$75,000
PM - Arts$102,000
PM - Infrastructure$64,177
PM - Research$107,992
PM - Student Life$73,000
PRC Commons$41,600
PRC Commons Building$65,500
PRC Landscape Services$39,894
Parking and Transportation Services$43,013
Payment Services$51,794
Payroll Services$63,500
Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering$188,922
Physical Therapy$50,074
Plan II Honors Program$57,178
Planning, Projects & Facilities$52,500
Planning, Projects, & Facilities$71,070
Plant Resources Center$34,278
Police Order Lieutenant$96,935
Police Order Sergeant$79,602
Population Research Center$61,182
Power Plant$104,286
Power Plant Maintenance$102,738
Power Plant Operations$61,900
Power Plant Utilities Operations$61,800
Power Plant and Chilling Stations$104,000
Prevention & Outreach$80,786
Principal Gifts and Corporate & Foundation Relations$51,000
Principal Investigator$56,700
Procurement Card Administrators$53,970
Procurement and Payment Services$96,500
Professional Programs, UTLA, and UTNY$66,950
Professional Sales and Business Development Minor$50,000
Project Accounts, 025$49,250
Project Management and Construction Services$116,541
Project Support$90,248
Property Evidence/CSI$48,000
Psychology Training$40,300
Public Information$101,430
Public Order Captain$89,645
Public Relations$53,422
RGK Center for Philanthropy and Community Service$106,304
Ray Marshall Center for the Study of Human Resources$72,800
Real Estate Development$159,700
Real Estate and Investment Center$57,201
Records and Information Management Services$41,145
Recreational Sports$47,889
Red McCombs School of Business$265,000
Research and Graduate Education$85,000
Residence Life$126,690
Residence Life - 2400 Nueces$42,848
Residence Life - Dobie$41,600
Residence Life - Jester$50,773
Residence Life - Kinsolving$41,600
Residence Life - Night Management$40,508
Residence Life - Residence Hall Operations$84,050
Residence Life - San Jacinto$45,008
Residence Life - Waller Creek$51,000
Residence Life- Whitis$51,250
Residential Education$65,000
Resource Management$215,671
Resource Recovery$71,310
SAC Operations$41,892
SAC Reservations$55,419
SHIFT Outreach$45,320
SHSSW Office of Professional Development$60,096
SLP Fire Recovery$38,000
SSW Academic Affairs$120,000
SSW Admissions$50,636
SSW BSW Program$42,000
SSW Dean's Office$72,059
SSW DiNitto Center for Career Services$49,500
SSW Field Office$51,002
SSW Master's Program$65,934
SSW Office of Development$58,000
SSW Office of Professional Development$52,000
Safety and Training$58,500
Salem Center$90,000
Sam Rayburn Library and Museum$31,200
San Jacinto Child Development Center$40,109
Sanger Learning Center$58,374
Sarah and Ernest Butler School of Music$87,278
Scenic Studio$62,830
School of Architecture$95,000
School of Design and Creative Technologies$58,000
School of Human Ecology$60,854
School of Information$90,455
School of Journalism and Media$102,000
School of Journalism and Media - Administrative$49,500
School of Law$100,000
School of Law Strauss$60,000
School of Nursing$83,200
School of Social Work$77,205
Schusterman Center for Jewish Studies$51,000
Service Center$44,038
Social Work Training$51,500
Social Work, Dell Medical School$79,118
Solid Waste and Recycling$43,067
Sorority & Fraternity Life Assoc Dir$58,750
Sorority and Fraternity Life Dir$65,629
South Asia Institute$63,082
Special Education$78,850
Spirit Programs$60,000
Sport Administration$425,000
Sports Administration$175,759
Sports Medicine$79,200
Sports Medicine - FB$60,000
Stage and Sound$67,600
Stan Richards School of Advertising and Public Relations$74,352
Strategic Academic Initiatives$75,830
Strategic Initiatives$159,596
Student Activities DART Coor$33,634
Student Activities Dir$59,950
Student Affairs$70,000
Student Conduct$76,036
Student Emergency Services Associate Director$70,000
Student Emergency Services Director$66,492
Student Engagement$152,250
Student Engagement Partnership and Programming AD$61,514
Student Engagement Partnership and Programming Dir$76,631
Student Governance Organizations ASOI$54,458
Student Services$54,080
Student Success Programs$57,253
Student Support Services$163,400
Student Wellbeing and Support$78,908
Subsurface Energy and the Env, Center for$74,200
Supply Chain Management Center$78,966
Support Services$133,000
Surplus Properties Crew$39,915
Surplus Property$50,007
T Association$75,705
TACC EPIC$121,625
TH Jefferson Ctr for Core Texts and Ideas$54,000
TIPI - Technology and Information Policy Institute$63,345
TPA Business Office$77,140
TPA Campus & Community Engagement$48,166
TPA Development$61,955
TPA Production$70,770
TPA Programming$58,700
TPA Ticket Office PT Hourly$31,200
TXUN Hospitality$57,082
TXUN Housekeeping$39,315
TXUN Maintenance$42,328
TXUN Operations$73,296
Tarlton Law Library$72,510
Technical Review$94,367
Technology Resources$67,000
Technology Resources - Zone 4 and 5$53,560
Technology Resources - Zone CFO$54,600
Technology Services$113,000
Technology Services - Check Out$58,300
Technology Services - Production$63,000
Technology Services - Systems$60,000
Technology Solutions$124,800
Technology Solutions – AV Technology$52,076
Technology Solutions – CRM Development$90,000
Technology Solutions – Enterprise Application$81,865
Technology Solutions – IT Operations$87,250
Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies$62,200
Testing and Evaluation Services$43,680
Texas Academy of Medicine, Engineering, Science and Technology$76,250
Texas Advanced Computing Center$105,000
Texas Archeological Research Laboratory$55,848
Texas Career Engagement$57,900
Texas Career Engagement Career Services$117,300
Texas Center for Disability Studies$60,320
Texas Engineering Executive Education$66,580
Texas Executive Education$64,430
Texas Global$80,000
Texas Immersive Institute$59,000
Texas Innovation Center$76,405
Texas Interdisciplinary Plan$50,300
Texas Leadership Education and Development Director$68,200
Texas Materials Institute$82,150
Texas Memorial Museum$50,750
Texas One Stop$50,000
Texas One Stop for Enrollment Services$46,224
Texas Parents Association$50,840
Texas Performing Arts$92,965
Texas Politics Project$104,499
Texas Student Media$61,221
Texas Student Media - Advertising$42,687
Texas Venture Labs and MS Technology Commercialization$52,000
The Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas$48,410
The Launchpad$71,974
The Office of the Vice President for Research$55,000
The University of Texas at Austin$1,443,570
TherapeUTex Service Core$46,200
Ticket Operations$31,720
Ticket Sales & Operations $80,000
Ticket Services & Operations$36,850
Ticketing Services$54,000
Trademark and Licensing$54,000
Transformation Strategy Office$193,751
Transformation and Strategy Office$93,600
Travel Management Services$48,024
UG College Communications$70,068
UHS Administrative Office$46,349
UHS General Medicine$165,309
UHS Gynecology/Women's Health$117,374
UHS Gynecology/Women's Health-Nursing$44,444
UHS Urgent Care / Sports Medicine$188,700
UHS and CMHC$141,965
UMAC Academic Communications$67,500
UMAC Administration$75,000
UMAC Admissions Marketing$54,600
UMAC Brand and Creative Strategy$84,360
UMAC Creative$63,135
UMAC Digital Strategy$99,703
UMAC Editorial Team$63,623
UMAC Hourly and Affiliates$62,400
UMAC UX/UI Design$71,750
UMAC Univ Comms$111,586
UMAC University Communications$65,260
UMAC Web Applications$73,504
UMAC Web Development$85,000
UT For Me$55,908
UT High School$70,000
UT Libraries$61,014
UT Los Angeles$73,000
UT New York$104,000
UT Parking and Transportation$31,200
UT Press$56,836
UTeach-Liberal Arts$67,000
UTeach-Natural Sciences$73,588
UTeach-Natural Sciences Replication Program$55,510
UTeach-Natural Sciences-Replication Program$72,984
UT High School$67,410
Undergraduate College$67,873
Undergraduate Education$56,000
Undergraduate Education - Career Services$66,950
Undergraduate Office$55,285
Undergraduate Studies$90,000
Unions IT$65,873
Univ Marketing UDO Brand$63,096
Univ Marketing UDO Marcom$71,273
University Career Center$62,743
University Charter School$59,657
University Child Development Center$66,950
University Communications$61,982
University Compliance Services$62,000
University Development Office$82,876
University Health Services$132,485
University Housing and Dining$170,000
University Interscholastic League$81,000
University Leadership Network$57,660
University Marketing$116,365
University Marketing and Communications$200,668
University Police Department$91,438
University Police Department Staff Lieutenant$94,093
University Police Department Staff Sergeant$72,098
University Risk and Compliance Services$97,566
University Unions$79,180
University of Texas Charter School$57,500
University of Texas Elementary School$56,056
University of Texas Libraries$58,371
University of Texas Press$75,500
Uteach Science Program$82,233
Utilities Engineering$88,700
Utilities Operations$56,650
Utilities Systems$87,526
Utilities and Energy Management$77,250
Utility Systems$76,000
VP for Business Strategies$245,000
Veteran and Military Affiliated Services Dir$62,029
Vice President for Research, Scholarship and Creative Endeavors$82,272
Vice President for Student Affairs$81,139
Vick Advising Excellence Center$52,216
Video Operations$48,205
Vis Research$84,000
Visitors Center$55,913
Visual Arts Center$53,432
Waggoner Center for Alcohol and Addiction Research$63,000
Walker Department of Mechanical Engineering$147,421
Warehouse Crew$38,147
Water Treatment Lab$59,683
Web Design$45,699
Web Technicians$41,600
Winedale Historical Center$42,951
Wireless Network Communications Group$125,442
Wireless Networking and Communications Group$55,855
Women in STEM$82,500
Women's Basketball$123,600
Youth Protection Program$56,030
Zero Waste$48,535

Data obtained: 2/28/2024